Upcoming Liturgies and Events
Come see the progress we’re making to Beautify our St. Francis Garden!!
Donation Wish List
Tarps, Topsoil (loose), Mulch (no plastic bags), Angle Grinder, Stainless Steel Memorial Plant Markers, Rakes, Hoe
Please let Karen or Rita know of any memorial plantings on campus so that they may be labeled and nurtured.
Thank You!
Next Workday: Sept 14th @8:30 am
God’s Grace Gardens—a St. John’s, Hill & Stream Garden Club and AA collaboration
9/14-God’s Grace Gardens Workday, 8:30 am
9/21- Flea Market
On Saturday September 21, from 8am to 1pm St. John’s will be hosting a community flea market. If you have any gently used items (no clothes), feel free to drop them off after 8/16/24 during office hours or on Sundays. If you know of anyone who might be interested in participating, invite them to contact the church for details. The office Number is 410-592-8570 email is office@stjohnskingsville.org
Calling all Bakers!
If you can, please bake cookies or brownies to sell at the flea market. Please package 4 cookies to a bag and 2 brownies to a bag please let us know what the item is and if it has nuts. They can be dropped off on Friday 9/20 after 1pm till 8pm.
Please consider signing up to help with the flea market event. Just give us a call and let us know if you are available any time would he helpful. Michele 443-463-6333 or Angie 410-592-8570. Also a sign up sheet is in the back of the church.
Barb Daniels would like help to set up after 2 on Friday 9/20 and the Day of the flea market. You can call Barb at 410-877-2962
Please let us know if you need a flyer for the event and we will send you one.
10/6- Potluck
10/6-Blessing of the Animals between 8:00 and 10:30 services
10/11-Community Night
11/1- All Saints Day
11/3 – Bishop’s Visit
11/3- Daylight Savings Ends- Potluck
11/3-All Souls Service in evening, 7:00 pm
11/5- Election Day
11/11- Veterans Day
11/24- Advent wreaths
11/28- Thanksgiving Day
12/1- Advent Begins, Potluck
12/21- Decorate church for Christmas
12/24- Christmas Eve
12/25- Christmas Day